Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Rantings, Ravings, and Musings (and FAINTING)

I'm still figuring out the format of the new blog thing, but I anticipate it being primarily composed of rants (regarding, for instance, the last two excruciating minutes of both War of the Worlds and Howl's Moving Castle), raves (regarding, for instance, my new vegetable cookbook), and musings (regarding, for instance, my discovery of the very bacon-friendly policy of the Atlanta airport).

Today, it is a musing on the embarrassing injury (YET ANOTHER embarrassing injury) that I sustained today.

As a part of a larger self-improvement summer, I decided on a whim to give blood this afternoon. Yeah, me! I chatted with people. I wore a "First-Timer" sticker. I boldly answered that I had not had an organ transplant in the past 12 months.

Then it came time to give the blood. The main problem was that I got bored and started fidgeting. By the time the nurse yelled at me, something had probably already happened and an air bubble or something got into the tube, the consequence of which was that they couldn't use the vat of blood I have already pumped in the bag. Fine. Sad, but fine.

So I'm sitting and eating cookies at the refreshment table when all of the sudden I feel... weird. Kind of drunk-like, but without the pleasant buzz or the desire to apologize to those around me. Then I think, "Am I dying?"

The next thing I remember is opening my eyes to see a very large man waving his arms in front of my face and a crowd gathered on either side of me. Apparently, I had collapsed onto the floor and hit my head with a solid THUD. It was rather bizarre, actually. It felt like any one of those movies where someone gets an anvil on the head, sees God, and then awakes to bleary-eyed frantic waving. Except it was ME and MY HEAD.

Anyway, all appears fine. But I have a large bump on the noggin and another embarrassing story to add to the ever-growing list.


Blogger Unknown said...

Why would you give your blood to those vampires in the first place? When the Red Cross Mobile Coffin came to Pacific, I heard the nurses were drinking straight from the tubes. STRAIGHT FROM THE TUBES!

10:20 AM  

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