Thursday, July 21, 2005

I May Never Sleep Again

That? Was seriously messed up.

I mean, the thing in the bag? The "deeper, deeper, deeper, deeper, deeper"? The... tongue?

I cannot in good conscience actually recommend this movie to anyone, but if you're the type who's all "Misery? Yawn." or "I wish Silence of the Lambs was less of a picker-upper," then I may finally have a film to shake you up a bit.

It' s Japanese. It's called The Audition. Feel free to call me at 5:00 a.m. anytime this week. I will be curled in a ball and rocking in the corner.


Blogger Unknown said...

The last line of this post made me laugh out loud (or "lol", which is what all the kids say).

I'm going to look for this at Video Station. As an adult, I can't say I've ever been scared by a movie - I've been startled, but that's usually just a cheap scare. I'm looking forward to it....

10:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, its the East Coast posse, yo. That movie is completely crazy! I read about it, and you're whack for sitting through it. Word.

How was the wedding? We saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and no one was scared. Everyone liked the squirrels. B-lish wanted to hug them.

Just wanted to give a "shout out" to your blog.

10:55 PM  

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