Sunday, July 17, 2005

Three Things That Annoy Me

1. Satellite TV. For at least two months now, satellite TV telemarketers have been calling the apartment every day. Yes, every day. It’s always a pre-recorded voice saying something like, “Do you know that your cable TV rates are about to rise… nine hundred percent?” or “Don’t hang up. You have been pre-selected to receive a fabulous free [satellite something-or-other].” Annoying. Yesterday, though, I was particularly up in arms about it and decided to finally wait and talk to an actual agent and yell at him/her to get my number off their damn list. So I wait for the end of the message, press “1” to “speak immediately to a customer service specialist”, and am promptly told that I will have to try my call again during their normal business hours. So… they are calling to sell me satellite TV during a time at which there are no employees available to actually make the sale? Is their only purpose in being to annoy me? If so, well played indeed, Satellite TV.

2. Back sweat. It is very hot. It’s the kind of hot that makes it difficult to overcome the overwhelming desire to do absolutely nothing but lay uncomfortably on the sofa. And while I’ll take the uncomfortably hot over the uncomfortably cold any day of the week, I must admit that I am tiring of the back sweat. I hate the fact that any shirt I put on is slightly damp within five minutes. And I hate the fact that it then takes me five minutes to take off the damp shirt that is now stuck like glue to my back. And let’s not even talk about how I annoyed I am at having to trudge outside to the Laundromat far too regularly carrying a big basket of nauseatingly damp shirt.

3. Horcruxes. I finished the new Harry Potter book this morning. I’ll save a review for another day but will just say for now that, as I tend to have some problems in general with the whole patience and delayed gratification thing, I’m HIGHLY annoyed that I don’t know the answer to all of the many puzzles (from Horcruxes to Snape’s motivation to whatever the hell is up with Lily Potter’s eyes) that were clearly NOT answered fully in this book. Patience is such an annoying virtue.


Blogger Stacey Pelika said...

I am only 1/3 of the way through the HP book. But now I can look forward to being frustrated and vaguely dissatisfied!

4:21 PM  
Blogger Stacey Pelika said...

Oh, and I agree about the heat. Yuck-y. One reason I don't ride my bike to campus more often is because of the back sweat problem (backpack + bike ride = nastiness).

4:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, so I pre-ordered the new Harry Potter from Amazon, but it wasn't going to arrive until after we'd left for the wedding in Iowa. So I figured we could just drop into Barnes & Noble after midnight and pick one up...or not. There was a line that filled the whole store, and the woman in front told James that the estimated wait time for a book was until 3:30 in the morning!!!!

8:57 AM  
Blogger Stacey Pelika said...

Damn, I can't imagine staying up that late - do ya think those people then went home and stayed up all night reading? I normally read in one sitting, but have been taking this one in smaller nuggets - mainly because it's too hot to sit in my house and the book is too large to tote elsewhere along with my laptop, etc.

9:13 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Missy and I picked up a copy last night - she called reading it first (in February, or something equally ridiculous), but doesn't seem all that intent on doing it soon. I tried to tell her I could plow through it in a day or two, but apparently it's the principle of the thing - or that I would taunt her about the big surprise ending.

10:27 AM  

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