Monday, July 11, 2005

Moral Qualms Over a Latte

It's time to be brave and admit it.

I've been to the Starbucks on State Street two times in the past week. That is two more times than I have been in my previous five years in Madison, and I feel that my steady resolve against all things chain may at last be eroding (not that I anticipate a dinner at Applebees anytime soon). Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

Here are what I see as the main arguments in favor of State Street Starbucks (SSS):

1. It's really close to the library.

2. The coffee tastes good.

3. Starbucks is a successful business. Shouldn't we reward successful businesses?

4. Apparently Starbucks treats its employees really well. And they, in turn, are friendly to me.

5. Same name as my hometown, so it's kind of like going home. Okay, not really.

And now, arguments against SSS:

1. The whole driving out other locally-owned businesses thing.

2. I HATE, HATE, HATE saying the word "venti" and try to get around it by ordering a "really, really big coffee." This is somewhat awkward.

3. The crowd tends to be a bit... frat/sorority. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

For now, I think I will solidly stick to never actually sitting in Starbucks, but I may still stop by to get a super-big coffee-to-go from time to time. Does this make me a bad person?


Blogger Unknown said...

"Does this make me a bad person?"


11:08 AM  
Blogger Stacey Pelika said...

I apparently present as the type of person who would be against Starbucks (as D.Pa pointed out once), but I don't really have a problem with it. There's a good South Park ep about this very question - 'Harbucks' moves into town, threatening the local store. But then everyone realizes that Harbucks was once a local store that happened to have really good coffee, so it expanded.

I'd say you should get your coffee wherever you want. Really, the vast majority of the coffee shops on State Street are chains (Dunn Bros., Espresso Royale), save for Michaelangelo's/Fair Trade (maybe they're a two-store chain?).

Oh, and welcome to blogging!

1:48 PM  
Blogger OleNelson said...

Sage advice, indeed, Moxie. I wish I could have conveyed the message to Dog Wilson when walking him around my neighborhood this weekend. Things got in his mouth that I didn't want to touch with a gloved hand.

7:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Huh. This looks somewhat entertaining.

As for Starbucks:

moxie is mostly right about nyc starbucks. that locale (astor place, right?) is some kind of starbucks vortex. right on about bathrooms, too. but as for ole's arguments pro/con...

1. other coffee is just as close to library, no? (espresso royale)

3. in open markets, successful businesses reward themselves. i feel no need to patronize, say, apple, because they're successful, but because they make, as you say, the precious.

5. won't even dignify

2 and 4, however, have merit. the point of coffee is that it tastes good, and it is good to support businesses that treat their employees well.


1 has some merit, and you are right on with 2 and 3 -- and there is something wrong with that. the only reason I would be worried about 1 is if it seemed it actually might happen. there doesn't always seem to be a direct causal link btwn starbucks and the running out of other businesses.

if being chain is what irks you about starbucks, it is not any of the things you mention, but the overall aesthetic of the place. you don't like applebees, not bc the food sucks (although it might), but because they have deliberatly attempted to re-create a familiar feeling of neighborliness with cleverly placed knickknacks. the reason i get the willies going into starbucks is because it is always the same, wherever you go (which is why we don't like seeing it drive out other businesses). it feels antiseptic, while still trying to maintain something of the coffee house vibe.

but this is also the reason i like going -- they always make good coffee. this is the benefit of chains -- at an airport, where one doesn't know that to expect from coffee shop X, starbucks is reliably delicious.

so, in short, no, this doesn't make you a bad person, just someone willing to sacrifice good atmosphere for good coffee.

that was way too long, but this is my first blog post....

8:58 AM  
Blogger OleNelson said...

Hm. Can't resist throwing in a New York street name there, can you New Haven?

1:05 PM  

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