Thursday, July 28, 2005

Why Dissertate When You Can Drink-ertate?

Working off the theory that one should know a little bit about the history and origin of one's standard/signature/fallback drink, I have done a little research.

The current front-runner, the gimlet, is of British origin (1 demerit) and was first developed by recruits of the Royal Navy as a means of fighting off scurvy (10 merits). The name actually refers to the corkscrew-like tool [pictured below] that was originally used to open containers of vitamin-rich lime juice (1 demerit for [pun alert] boringness). And Wikipedia tells me that "gimlet-eyed" can mean sharp-eyed or squint-eyed (2 merits).

Apparently, there are two big gimlet-related, white-glove-tossing controversies raging within the cocktail community. The first is whether to base the drink with gin or vodka. Until the 1990s gin was the standard, so drink purists get all enraged and nay-saying when "vodka gimlets" are discussed. Today, however, vodka has become far more prominent, and it seems that contemporary barkeeps are likely to sneer if you request a gimlet with gin.

The second controversy, more easily resolved in my opinion, is whether to use fresh lime juice (tasty) or Rose's Lime Juice (historically accurate). I side with taste over history on this one.

Overall, it seems that the gimlet has a reasonably interesting history and even remains controversial today (this is good). And as evidenced by recent trials, the drink tastes WONDERFUL. The only remaining question is what claiming the gimlet really says about a person. Inquiries last night revealed the following suggestions:

"Cheers. I'm from the 1930's and am likely to bore you to tears with my rather fey discussion of boring stuff from the 1930's."

"Hello. Don't I think I'm special with my gimlet and lime wedge. Oh, is that a Miller Lite in your hand?"

"Hi. I like the Gremlins. Because that kind of sounds like the Gimlets."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

or "is this drink named after the drink-loving, belching dwarf character in LOtR?"

11:07 AM  

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