Monday, July 25, 2005

Continuing on the Necrophilia Theme...

I saw the trailer for Tim Burton's Corpse Bride while escaping from the humidity and viewing Charlie and the Chocolate Factory this evening. When did death lovin' become so trendy?

Speaking of trailers, though, I never learn my lesson. They always fill me with giddy anticipation, even if I know that most of them will turn into movies that I ultimately avoid any contact with and make fun of others for seeing. Of the trailers I've seen recently, I'm most excited for the Johnny Cash movie (with Reese Witherspoon!), the Harry Potter movie (with Harry Potter!), Proof (with academics!), and the Reese Witherspoon/Mark Ruffalo dramedy (again, with Reese Witherspoon!).

Both King Kong and that Fifty Cent thing fill me with interested trepidation. Cameron Crowe's Elizabethtown just might be a bit much. And I'm anxious to see whether the W brothers could possibly make a movie that sucks more than the Matrix sequels (with V for Vendetta).

That's only a taste of the trailers, but I absolutely love knowing that any one of these movies this fall may give me chills and become one of my favorite movies ever. I just hope it doesn't star a Baldwin. Or an Affleck.


Blogger Unknown said...

I think you should delete all of your old non-necophiliac posts and turn this into a corpse-lovin' specialty blog. Think of the market!

8:48 AM  

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