Sunday, August 07, 2005

Observations on a Dog

I'm in the midst of another dog-sitting stint -- a task which I actually enjoy. Dogs, like children, are great and are especially great when one's responsibility for them ends with the weekend. This dog, Dog, is particularly pleasant, and a day of interaction has led me to the following observations.

Dog is absolutely petrified of manhole covers or other metallic walking surfaces. This made for some moments of balance-related comedic gold as we walked down State Street this afternoon. I feel I can relate, though, as I also have some irrational fears. For instance, I have a strong phobia of ingrown toenails even though I've never had nor known anyone who has had an actual ingrown toenail. I don't even know exactly what they are.

Dog likes to lick. I love dogs, but this is one element of dog-ness that I could do without. I think it's the butt-licking that immediately precedes the OleNelson's face-licking that I have a problem with.

Dog needs to work on her enunciation. Right now, I am having difficulty distinguishing the "I want to play" whine from the "I need to go outside right this minute" whine. Obviously, these are two whines one would like to distinguish with some degree of accuracy.

Dog is mild-mannered. That is, mild-mannered until another dog appears on the television screen. Then there is growling and pacing and general disgruntlement. The same thing happens to me whenever I see a Baldwin.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm, curious. Based on your final dog observation, I'm inclined to believe that you somehow closely associate yourself with the Baldwins. What characteristics about that oh so talented clan do you see in OleNelson?

9:52 AM  
Blogger OleNelson said...

Well, I guess I'll concede that the Baldwins and the OleNelsons do share a small degree of humanness. Although that might leave out one or two of the lesser Baldwins.

10:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

does the dog really lick your butt before he licks your face? ha ha.

9:55 PM  

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