Sunday, August 28, 2005

Things I Just Don’t Get: VMA’s Edition

1. Why in the world Diddy is famous. For his dancing? His singing? His bling? Perhaps his massive ego simply demands fame and fame, having been subdued by the Hilton clan, hasn’t the energy to protest.

2. What is up with “Making the Band 3: Season 2.” Why both the “3” and the “2”?

3. When our nation suddenly became obsessed with dance. I sat quietly through that Dancing with the Stars nonsense. And I did no more than eye-roll at the success of So You Think You Can Dance (or is it So U Think U Can Dance). But why the clown bit at the VMA’s? And why a dance-off between Diddy and that Omarion/Oramion/Whatever person? And why, oh why, did they unearth Hammer of all people?

4. Why I watched the VMA’s. Although I was doing other things while it was on. And really I only watched to see Kelly Clarkson perform. Although that doesn’t make it much better, I suppose. Fine – I have no defense.


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