Monday, August 22, 2005

Negronis and Pimms and Moscow Mules, Oh My!

A hearty thanks to all who attended my housewarming/cocktail event last evening. I had a blast. And it certainly makes one’s apartment feel more like home when friends and family have gathered there.

A few random notes:

The gimlet is now my official favorite drink. This position was cemented when M-Bro made a disapproving face after trying her gimlet. I asked to taste it to make sure I had made it properly, and I immediately countered her “eh” with a hearty “yum!” It may not be for everyone, but I like it.

Special props should be given to J-Bro who, I believe, made it through my entire menu of drinks! And special apologies to whomever it was that I first described the negroni as “subtle.” This is incorrect, as proven by the gagging motions made by more than one attendee.

Despite having gone through a fair number of libations, I still have startling amount of vodka left and may thus have to throw another cocktail party in the near future. Start resting your livers now.


Blogger Unknown said...

I'm pretty sure I batted the cycle - if by "batted" I mean "had drinks forced on my by the host in an effort to stop me from mountain biking the next morning." A successful effort.

I'll come to another cocktail party, but it's all water and soda for me. I'm done drinking alcohol. Done.

8:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Extra vodka just means more gimlets for you!

PS - I think J.Bro gets an A++ for most items on the report card, and Ole, you definitely get one for "Generosity with Rounds."

5:05 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh, god - does that mean I urinated in public? Was it off the balcony? God I hope it wasn't off the balcony.

5:45 PM  
Blogger Stacey Pelika said...

Let's see, what was the best moment. When ELF tried to tell me that it was hilarious that Ole's calendar said that Truman "signed a bull" (it was a bill)? Or when J.Bro told me and M.Bro that we were "walking too fast" as we ambled very, very slowly up Johnson. Oh, the memories! I'm glad I paced myself and cleared up any lingering hangoverness with a little Gatorade the next day.

7:13 PM  

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