Thursday, August 11, 2005

Obsession De Jour

One of the things I most like about this blog thing is the opportunity to encourage whoever happens by to try whatever song/movie/book/recipe I’m particularly enamored with in any particular week. For instance, I will use this space in the future to convince even the most ardent skeptic to netflix (using the word as a verb a la “google”) Buffy the Vampire Slayer or to roast some fresh beets (yum!).

Today, though, it is Sufjan Stevens’ new Illinois album. I’ve been obsessed with quite a lot of music in the last few months. Kanye West has been listened to an embarrassing number of times on my iPod, and if you ever see me dancing ever-so-slightly while walking down State Street, it’s probably because I’m completely transfixed by a new Scissor Sisters song.

Sujfan Stevens is just as worthy of obsession. I actually welled up while listening to “Chicago” a moment ago (the “It was for freedom/From myself and from the land” bit). It really spoke to me. And I love the fact that he has songs entitled “A Short Reprise for Mary Todd, Who Went Insane, But for Very Good Reasons” and “They Are Night Zombies!! They Are Neighbors!! They Have Come Back from the Dead!! Ahhhh!” Hee.

It might be a little bit twee for some people’s taste, but if you can handle some folk-ness and some yearning in your music, I would give it a go.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i too am enamored of Illinois, and I even thought to myself, "I bet the Bone would like this."

10:37 AM  
Blogger Annie said...

Yay Sufjan Stevens! I was just listening to "Michigan." is he really going to release one for every state?

6:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

New Haven gave me Illinois, and I quite enjoyed it. More importantly though...I LOVE the Scissor Sisters! And saw them (not playing but eating dinner) on Sullivan St. Between Prince and Spring. In fact I was making my sister listen to them and saying that its like really good 70s Elton John just a few days ago.

5:33 PM  

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