Monday, August 08, 2005

On Why Moving Sucks

Yes, yes, I know. You're all "Tell me something I don't know, Mr. Guy-Who-Did-This-For-A-Whole-Summer-As-A-Job."

Here, though, is the morning's schedule for my move in but a week's time -- no element of which is negotiable in any way that would be of any assistance at all.

8:00 -- Pick up rental truck in Sun Prairie

9:00 -- Check out of current apartment in Madison

10:00 -- Check into new apartment in Madison

12:00 -- Return rental truck to Sun Prairie

Sounds lovely, doesn't it?


Blogger Unknown said...

I'd offer to help, but since you refused to help me last month....

3:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I imagine you telling yourself, "BOY! LIFT! NOW!"

And who is going to be the helpful, bossy, third-party enforcer?

7:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I highly recommend moving in China, for those of you faint of heart movers... Here's the beauty of moving in the Red East:

1) No preparation necessary. The day you move, go down to the street, say aloud you are moving and need grunts, and within 5 minutes, an army of disheveled, obnoxiously smelly men will be lined up, fighting over who gets to haul your belongings down 8 flights of stairs in 110 degree heat.

2) Moving truck. Follow procedure outlined in #1... take cheapest bidder.

3) When done, no need to clean old apartment! Left behind junk is considered standard.

4) When grunts leave your new apartment after hauling crap up 10 flights of stairs in 110 degree heat and being paid about 5 dollars total (for the group)... find a neighborhood aunty to clean new apartment and get rid of grunt smell for about 2 dollars.

5) Voila!!. No U-haul idiots or angry landlords to deal with!!

This coming from a girl who once moved 4 times in one year...

10:49 AM  

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