Friday, August 12, 2005


I’ve just been listening to NPR while trying to decide how many coffee mugs one person really needs and whether it’s finally time to throw away those T-shirts I wore in high school. It was all rather pleasant. I even had coffee. Then this smug bastard comes on the radio as a guest of the NPR program and starts spouting out all of those all-too-typical conservative arguments that drive me crazy.

“[Insert critic of the war] is degrading troop morale and giving a boost to the terrorists.” It’s interesting that I have yet to hear from these people how it might be possible to criticize the war without sending all of our fragile Marines into a faint.

“Liberals rejoiced on September 11 and care far more for one dead terrorist than for 3,000 dead Americans.” ARRGGGHHHH! Everyone I know was shaken to the core on September 11. This argument offends me.

“We can’t really say yet whether Saddam Hussein was directly involved in the 9/11 attacks.” Well… no. Not for sure, I guess. We also can’t say for sure that there isn’t a jolly red-suited, elf-owning man residing at the North Pole. But it seems unlikely.

Oh, this stuff makes me mad.


Blogger J.Po said...

I never thought I'd learn of Santa's questionable existence on a blog. Now I'm depressed.

2:57 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

It's just like you fucking hippies to listen to NPR all day while you reduce your material possessions. You make me sick.

5:22 PM  
Blogger OleNelson said...

Hmm…. Interesting interpretations abound. I hadn’t realized that I was a conservative-bashing Nazi sympathizer. And a hippie. What a fascinating juxtaposition I represent!

As for the Santa issue, I was COMPLETELY misinterpreted. I was referring to Santa’s alleged twin brother, Fanta. Fanta is the non-existent elf owner. Santa, on the other hand, totally exists.

8:30 PM  
Blogger Annie said...

What does it mean to "equivocate" someone?

9:18 PM  
Blogger Annie said...

Equivocate is an intransitive verb. Perhaps thetruth is conflating "Equivocate" with another word.

8:26 PM  

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