Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Well, that was a disaster.

Teaching sections to sleepy undergrads at 8:50 a.m. is always a… challenge. Invariably, I walk into the room, exuding fake perkiness, only to discover that the lights are out and the students’ eyes are giving off either severe resentment or complete detachment.

Occasionally, there is also a slight aroma of left-over-bar hangover-ness. Some of you will know what I mean.

Today, though, we can add to the fun (a) hot, muggy weather and (b) a construction crew tearing out the sidewalk three feet away from the building. Make that LOUDLY tearing out the sidewalk three feet away from the building. If the class hadn’t had a midterm coming up on Monday, I would have just walked in the room and instantly dismissed everyone. As it is, I attempted to persevere.

I tried shutting the window, but all that did was slightly muffle the sound and create a sauna in the classroom. I tried dividing them into small groups, but even when they were two feet away from each other, they couldn’t hear what anyone was saying. I eventually just gave up after twenty minutes and told them to leave. The saddest part is that they couldn’t even hear me try to excuse them. I had to write the exit instructions on the board.

The only thing that has saved me from a terrible mood this morning is reading that Nic Cage has named his son Kal-El. Thank God ridiculous celebrities never fail to disappoint.


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