Monday, February 13, 2006

People Hunt Quails?

So I continue to be fascinated by this whole Cheney shooting people story. I mean, I get that the guy’s whole thing is “Never explain, never apologize.” And I even agree that this position often has something going for it.

But honestly, now.

Can’t we agree that shooting your friend in the head might be a moment to bend that philosophy and express at least a small degree of contrition?

I mean, think about it. You’re the vice president of the United States of America. You shoot someone. Not even one picture of you going to the hospital to visit the friend you shot? Not even one statement indicating that you do not in fact want to suggest that it was the dude’s own fault that he got shot? Even Britney Spears-Federline expressed some regret that she let the FederSpawn ride in her lap. Can’t we ask the tiniest bit more of the VP?

In other news, I finally got my Vermont contract today. The most amusing bit? I have to sign and have notarized an oath to uphold the Constitution of Vermont. And they do not supply a copy of this Constitution, so I have no real idea what it is that I am agreeing to.

I just hope it doesn’t involve undying fealty to the Red Sox or something.


Blogger grrrbear said...

If you want to get the basics before you head down to the notary, check out:

7:48 AM  
Blogger Annie said...

Now I'm reading there's some probe into why it took so long for him to admit he shot anyone altogether...

a spray of shot to the head and neck, sounds pretty fricking awful!

10:56 AM  
Blogger Stacey Pelika said...

Now the guy Cheney shot has had a 'minor' heart attack due to the pellet lodged in his...heart! Maybe the cover-up was because the victim was a bit worse off than Cheney would like to admit.

1:13 PM  
Blogger towwas said...

Maybe the constitution has something to do with maple products.

7:48 AM  

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