Sunday, February 05, 2006

Two Notes

1. Following up on the previous post, Ab Girl did ask her question with complete seriousness. And Ab Girl’s Friend responded with equal seriousness, suggesting that because Ab Girl was so skinny immediate ab definition was certainly possible – but Ab Girl should probably just wait until the night before the formal to do all the sit-ups. Hee.

2. I have a job. And I will be moving to Burlington, VT this fall. MANY posts soon to follow regarding concerns about becoming a New England-er.


Blogger Unknown said...

Holy shit - congratulations on the job! I can't remember where you interviewed, though - is this at Burlington College, Champlain College, or UV?

2:49 PM  
Blogger towwas said...

Hey, a job! Congratulations! Whoever you are. I hear Vermont is real nice. Some people I know just moved to a commune up there. Except they call it a "community."

8:51 AM  
Blogger Stacey Pelika said...

I've already said this in person, but congrats again!

10:32 AM  
Blogger OleNelson said...

UVM. As in University of Vermont.

2:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

again, congrats on the job. and you should have no concerns about becoming a new englander, having recently undergone the experience myself (b-lish, though, still has to return to the regeneration cocoon for her weekly regimen of ben and jerry's and red sox highlights).

6:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats, T-Bone... now you're going to be even further away!! Hmmph. A fond farewell to the Grandee Midwest.

12:05 PM  

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