Monday, January 09, 2006

A Day at Steep & Brew

11:05 – I arrive at Steep & Brew to begin writing the final chapter of my dissertation. My first move, however, is to play Hearts on my computer and make an iTunes listening plan (today’s plan is to put iTunes on party shuffle and always listen to whatever song in the upcoming five I have listened to the fewest total times).

11:19 – Guy sitting behind me has fallen asleep in the largest way possible. There are throaty grunts and lots of accidental flailing of limbs. Eventually he gets up and stumbles (literally) out of the shop.

11:39 – I promise myself only one more game of Hearts until I start writing.

12:04 – Radically Unshowered Dude comes upstairs and fills his ENTIRE backpack with Steep & Brew napkins. He leaves but a handful of napkins in the receptacle. I briefly consider saying something to management but decide to play another game of Hearts instead.

12:22 – While waiting for the men’s restroom to open up, I ponder the question of why places have separate Men’s and Women’s restrooms when they are of the one-stall, lock-behind-you variety. Why not just Bathroom #1 and Bathroom #2?

12:40 – I curse my little baggie of snack baby carrots. Bleh. I also curse my unfortunate waffle binge of Friday night, necessitating the purchase of a yet another mega-bag of baby carrots.

12:52 – I am amused by this bit about the lead up to the 2003 Iraq invasion. “The most candid quote of the whole failed diplomatic effort came from Spain's normally reticent prime minister, Jose Maria Aznar, a crucial Bush ally, who broke precedent by complaining that in order to build a coalition, ‘we need a lot of Powell and not much of Rumsfeld.’” I need not much of Rumsfeld either.

1:04 – Several groups of potentially amusing people sit near me. I covertly turn off iTunes (while leaving my headphones in) so as to better note any moments of unintended hilarity.

1:14 – The groups of people disappoint. There is neither unintended nor intended hilarity. iTunes goes back on.

1:29 – Radically Unshowered Dude has been joined by an even more radically unshowered friend. The odor is beginning to waft.

2:39 – Woo! Finished the first page of the chapter. Must take Hearts break.

2:47 – Artist Lady with Many Scarves across the way is clearly sketching me in her little book. I take the opportunity to de-slouch.

3:59 – The hell? A pair of people has begun a series of recorder/accordion duets downstairs. Not the most pleasant of combinations.

4:09 – The duet of non-beauty has been joined by a fiddle. I choose this moment to make my exit. So long, Steep!


Blogger Unknown said...

You need to track down scarfy-lady and get animation rights to Mr. Dissertation-writer, Mrs. Dissertation-writer, and any and all other derivative likenesses.

Also - final chapter? I'm so jealous...

10:52 AM  
Blogger towwas said...

Recorder/accordion? That sounds like a spectacularly bad idea.

8:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

because mens bathrooms smell of piss consistantly. i don't want to share in that.

10:23 AM  

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