Wednesday, January 04, 2006

On the Relative Deliciousness of Baby Carrots

After ten straight days of eating nothing but cream, sugar, and butter in various combinations, I have forced myself into a diet consisting mainly of carrot sticks and frozen peas. A handful of unsalted peanuts officially counts as a treat.

Of course, it could be worse. I whiled away some time over the holidays reading old Little House/Town/Whatever on the Prairie books. I used to find this era and these books immensely charming and thought it would be a great lark to live in the Ingalls’ glorious simplicity.

Upon further reflection, not so much.

One Christmas, Laura and Mary were new-iPod-level-excited about receiving a single piece of candy in their stockings. The ever-wise (and ever-annoying) Mary chose to take but a single lick per day from her tiny piece of hard sugar. [I mock, but if only I had that much self-control, I would not now be eating entire meals of baby carrots.]

Another Christmas, there were to be no presents, but Laura and Mary were given the opportunity to make a button-string for Baby Carrie. Oh, how excited they were! A button-string! They made it for an entire week! And it is a string. With a bunch of old buttons attached. Sounds… riveting.

And then there’s that Long Winter Christmas, where to the best of my recollection the family spent several months simply weaving hay into bundles until their hands bled. And still they barely avoided freezing to death.

Yeah. Not so much for me, I guess. Turns out I’m a 21st-century kind of guy after all.


Blogger J.Po said...

I'm a 21st century kind of nancy drew!!!

8:20 PM  
Blogger Annie said...

Oh. My. God. I LOVE THOSE LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE BOOKS!!!!!!!!!!! Remember when they saw the balls of fire after the weird thunderstorm? Remember when they almost drowned fording the river? Remember when a panther almost took out Grandpa? Remember when they all almost died of scarlet fever, and they couldn't go get help because they were all delerious?

Yeah, I'm a 21st century kind of gal, too. Little House style is not for me, but man, that Laura Ingalls Wilder could write.

12:49 AM  

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