Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Conversation With Myself While Waiting For The Elevator

“Coffee. Check. iPod. Check. Lunchtime banana. Che… Wait – did I remember to lock my door two seconds ago?”

“Of course you locked the door, self. You always lock the door. And then you always allow yourself to play these ridiculous mental games. For once in your life exercise some trust. You. Locked. The. Door.”

“Well, I’m pretty sure I locked the door. But it would probably be better to just walk back the twenty feet and double check.”

“NO! We are not double checking! No more double checking! Have faith!”

“OK, fine.” [eyeroll at self]

Nine hours later I return to find… my door unlocked. Sigh.


Blogger grrrbear said...

OMG I have this exact same comversation with myself at least once a week!

Although I always end up checking...and it's never unlocked.

7:40 AM  

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