Sunday, December 18, 2005

On Hypothetical Vegan Hamburgers

So while shopping for eggnog ingredients yesterday, I came across a package of “Vegetarian Eggs.” The basic idea was that these eggs came from happy cage-free roaming chickens. No animals were harmed. The eggs were merely found and packaged for your convenience.

This got me thinking.

Could vegans eat these eggs? If the chickens truly were non-owned, roaming birds, wouldn’t their gathered leftover eggs be vegan-riffic? How would this violate vegan principles regarding the exploitation and harm of animals?

So wouldn’t any animal product that fell rather clearly on the “gathering” side of the “hunting and gathering” divide be open game for vegans? I think I’m onto something. Perhaps I can be the pioneer that finally allows a vegan to eat a real cookie again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it simply a matter that vegans don't want to consume animals or animal products? While limiting animal suffering is certainly a top priority, they also worry about 1) killing animals (which happens certainly when you eat a hamburger, I suppose "potentially" when you eat an egg), and 2) exploiting animals -- that is, animals shouldn't be used as mere instruments to human ends, which egg eating, no matter how much on the "gathering" end of the spectrum it could be, certainly falls under.

I also hear vegans are against run on sentences, and, generally, fun.

I do think, however, that you are onto something that a typical vegan may not want to admit. At a certain point, does not veganism, with its extreme concern for the well being of animal life in all its forms, become an argument for anti-abortionism?

When I raise this point, or points similar to yours, with my vegan friends, they always take it really well and respond in a very calm and rational manner.

3:55 PM  
Blogger Annie said...

Hmmm, I'm not sure that vegans need better cookies. My roommate (who is vegan) has made some pretty damn tasty oatmeal-raisin cookies, tofu-cheesecakes, fruit crisps.... and they are in all, total, honesty, just as tasty as the non-vegan alternatives, in my carnivorous opinion! (but they can never have a juicy steak. mmmmmm, steak! or fried chicken.)

6:17 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

That wasn't vegan-nog that I drank today, was it? Was it made with organic, free range rum?

9:01 PM  

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