Monday, January 02, 2006

Almost as Scary as Unexpectedly Encountering a Baldwin

Two things today made me nearly leap out of my skin in fright.

The first occurred when I was walking down Dayton Street and reading a book. No, I didn’t trip over a curb or get side-swiped by a Buick. And no, I didn’t get frostbite on my ungloved reading hand.

Instead, a giant raccoon jumped out at me.

It hissed. I pondered exit procedures and fretted about the likelihood of Different Strokes-esque shots in the stomach.

I was moments away from throwing my gym shoes at it as a decoy when it squeezed itself into a nearby sewer drain thing (not the technical name). Disaster was averted.

The second fright-o-the-day was when I flipped through the cable news networks and saw Jesse Ventura. That alone is, of course, frightening. But this was a Jesse “The Body” Ventura who was sporting a bald head rimmed by very long, very stringy black hair and this bizarre goatee thing that involved two long braids linked together six inches below his chin. It was a sight.

And? Ventura is considering a presidential bid in 2008.


Blogger Stacey Pelika said...

I saw that same Ventura appearance. And was similarly stunned. Not as stunned as when we saw the Baldwin, though.

10:37 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Good god, racoon - you belong in the country not in the city!! The city is only for adorable squirrels!

10:43 AM  
Blogger grrrbear said...

Please, who *isn't* considering a run in '08?

I know I'm considering it at this point. But who knows, so many diversions...

2:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

when did you see a baldwin? do tell!!

9:27 PM  
Blogger OleNelson said...

a) It was most certainly a raccoon. I used to read Ranger Rick, after all.

b) I was referring mainly to on-screen encounters [as in, "My GOD, why didn't someone tell me there was a BALDWIN in The Squid and the Whale???"], but I also encountered a Baldwin at a Christian gathering thing. It was most distressing. If you think normal Baldwin a bad news, try dealing with a born-again Baldwin.

1:31 AM  

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