Thursday, January 05, 2006

A Day Without a Baldwin

Oh, dear. Given the events of the last 24 hours, my previous post seems particularly harsh. I was going to erase it, but in the 24 hours prior to the last 24 hours, I think my point was valid. So I’ll leave it up.

I have nothing else to report, as neither raccoons nor Baldwins were spotted today.

I’ll just give you a brief quote from Bob Woodward’s Plan of Attack (which I have been reading for dissertation reasons). Woody is writing about a pre-Iraq meeting between George W. and his senior staff.

“Feith displayed organization charts. It was a lot of abstract political science, and the President didn’t have much to say.”



Blogger Unknown said...

That's crazy - my ENTIRE dissertation is about organizational charts!

Chapter 4: The Junior Associate Accountant Reports to the Senior Associate Accountant.

8:37 AM  

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