Tuesday, February 07, 2006

How Punch-worthy is Tara Reid?

I had a scary moment today.

I was reading this hilarious blog post about celebrities one would pay good money for the privilege of punching. And, of course, I instantly began constructing my own list of fantasy celebrity punch-ees.

But then it happened. I couldn’t think of anyone.

Paris Hilton? Really, too deeply sad to be punched.

Jennifer Lopez? As objectionable as she is, one suspects that she tries really hard.

Ryan Seacrest? I’m beginning to find him a little amusing. Don’t tell anyone.

That Creed dude? Close call. But you just know your fist would be all greasy afterward.

A Baldwin? They have enough problems already without adding punchings to the list.

At this point I began to get distressed. Have I grown soft? What happened to the days when the mere thought of tripping Ben Affleck filled me with great joy?

And then… it hit me. Kevin Federline. Yes, K-Fed will never fail me. I would punch him with abandon. Everything is going to be alright.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Careful, T-Bone—that Seacrest statement could cost you tenure!

(BTW, congrats on the job—I’m eagerly awaiting details.)

10:23 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

But K.Fed has three kids! You'd punch some kids' daddy?!?

12:46 PM  
Blogger Stacey Pelika said...

I think K-Fed is more appropriately referred to as a 'baby-daddy.'

12:59 PM  
Blogger Annie said...

your Creed guy comment REALLY cracked me up... "your fist would be greasy..." Brilliant!!!!

10:57 AM  

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