Monday, February 27, 2006

Surprisingly Hefty…

That’s how I would describe my just-printed dissertation draft.

Granted, it doesn’t yet have a conclusion or a title, but I’m quite proud of my inclusion of the word “whirligig” and my multiple uses of the non-word “justificatory.”

Right now, though, I eagerly await my reentry into the world-at-large after two weeks of partial seclusion in College Library.

And what a topsy-turvy world-at-large it now appears to be. The Rush Limbaugh crowd is IN FAVOR of allowing a Middle Eastern government with indirect ties to 9/11 to control American port security? TomKat are reportedly split… and then not? Crash might beat Brokeback Mountain for Best Picture?

And what of Not-A-Quail Harry Whittington? Shot in the face. Birdshot in the heart. And now nothing? I NEED NEW INFORMATION!

Well, that will have to wait until morning. Or afternoon. Because, adulthood be damned, I am allowing myself to sleep in as long as I please tomorrow morning.


Blogger J.Po said...

'Wirligig'?!?! How delightful!

10:32 AM  
Blogger J.Po said...

Oops...make that 'whirligig'!

10:32 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I think, "A Whirligig of Intervention" is a solid title. You're welcome.

3:13 PM  
Blogger towwas said...

You said (wrote) "justificatory"? Ugh.

10:17 PM  

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