Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Suzie [Almost] Strikes YET Again

I’m walking back from class tonight, crossing the street, and there she is wheeling in my general direction.


Fortunately, she is in the process of asking someone else for help, so I spin around and wait (and WAIT) for the light to change to green so I can re-cross to safety.

From a hidden perch on the other side of the street, I see her approach several other people and finally lead one poor chap off in the direction of her far-away apartment. I note that he does not have a shovel on him and wonder briefly whether the McDonald’s manager will be receiving another visit.

Which is worse? That I ran away from a woman in a wheelchair? Or that I didn’t find a way to warn her new victim?


Blogger grrrbear said...

Looks like somebody needs to figure out a new route home.

I feel for her, obviously, but don't you think she should take responsibilty for herself and figure out a way to get to and from class without relying on the kindness of strangers? I mean really, the whole thing seems a little ridiculous.

1:24 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I agree with that bear - at some point I moved from pity for her to annoyance at her irresponsibility. I think someone should write a letter to the Badger Herald. I'm holding my index finger on my nose, so I'm not it.

5:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are there no public transportation options for people with disabilities? It's Madison, for crying out loud!

7:44 PM  
Blogger grrrbear said...

That's a good point. One would think madison would have rapid-response teams of dedicated pushers.

Or at least sled dog teams available to be hooked up to people's wheelchairs and pull them home.

11:37 AM  
Blogger Stacey Pelika said...

Yeah, the Madison buses are actually all wheelchair accessible - or at least a majority of them are. I can understand the desire to live independently, but given the post-blizzard conditions, it seems that some caution was appropriate for everyone - disabled or not - to take. It's scary to think of what could have happened had Ole not been such a dedicated and nice person.

12:51 PM  
Blogger J.Po said...

Ole, from my minimal knowledge of you and your personality, it seems to me that you need to find your inner 'Survivor-Susan'.

6:13 PM  

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