Thursday, May 04, 2006

Clearly, This Says Something About Something

Today my students were completely incapable of telling my ANYTHING about the IMF (International Monetary Fund), which we had covered in great depth just a few weeks ago.

However, they remembered absolutely every detail of a brief story I told during one of the first weeks in the semester about my time spent in Cairo. Their re-telling of my telling of black snot was especially vivid.

Again, this says something about something. But I’m not sure what the somethings are.


Blogger grrrbear said...

Seems like it says that your black snot is more interesting than the IMF.

And I can't really disagree. For all the good work the IMF does it really needs a new agent.

8:15 AM  
Blogger J.Po said...

Which would you prefer: The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer or The Amazing Race?

10:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like my section yesterday. They'd just seen a lecture about the rise of Richard Nixon, and I asked them to explain why the same AMerican public who'd rejected Barry Goldwater 8 years earlier rejected George McGovern handily by 1972.
So I said - I know lots of you were in lecture yesterday, what do you remember about George McGovern?
All they could remember was:
a) that he lost.
b) that the Professor thought he was a really nice guy.


9:21 PM  
Blogger Annie said...

I have to admit, that's how my brain works too. I can't remember any details relevant to my own damn field of expertise, but I can tell you a disturbing amount about TomKat.

5:05 PM  

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