It’s been a busy two weeks. Here’s a partial list of what I’ve done.
Graduated. Sort of, anyway.
Turned thirty.
Co-hosted a large-ish graduation party.
Graded finals (for a very grueling, demanding lecturer).
Flew to Burlington. And discovered that I may be allergic to Burlington.
Found a place to live in Burlington next year. It is an old mil.
Drove to Philadelphia to visit college friends.
Bused to Washington D.C. for a wedding.
Had a dissertation defense panic attack.
Read three Nick Hornby books.
Those are the highlights. It ended up being a lot of things to plan simultaneously. I was left unable to devote enough attention to, among other things, the Brangelina baby. Today, I will catch up. And watch the French Open for many, many hours.
Graduated. Sort of, anyway.
Turned thirty.
Co-hosted a large-ish graduation party.
Graded finals (for a very grueling, demanding lecturer).
Flew to Burlington. And discovered that I may be allergic to Burlington.
Found a place to live in Burlington next year. It is an old mil.
Drove to Philadelphia to visit college friends.
Bused to Washington D.C. for a wedding.
Had a dissertation defense panic attack.
Read three Nick Hornby books.
Those are the highlights. It ended up being a lot of things to plan simultaneously. I was left unable to devote enough attention to, among other things, the Brangelina baby. Today, I will catch up. And watch the French Open for many, many hours.
Will you be grinding your own cornmeal in your old mill apartment? Starching your own flour? Threshing your own, uh, powdered sugar?
Update: Dammtt - I hate it when I mistype the verification word.
Hey, Happy Birthday! Do you share a birthday with the Brangelina baby? If so, you must be blessed!
Too exhausted to blog?
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