Sunday, May 21, 2006

Maybe it’s the Hair?

Condi Rice has clearly been the most likeable member of the Bush team for quite some time. She seems at least a little reasonable. And she’s probably the most powerful black woman in the United States who has not had the privilege of seeing CrazyTomCruise jump on her couch.

And yet… there’s always been something a little off that I haven’t been able to put my finger on.

There was that weird time when she kept accidentally calling Bush her husband.

There’s that strange list of her favorite songs: a bizarre mix of classical and overplayed, inoffensive rock.

There’s her hair.

There’s her willingness to engage in the whole Bush disconnect-from-reality thing.

There’s the weird fake-laugh she does every time someone asks whether she will be running for President.

And now, there is another piece of conclusive evidence. She pronounces the word “allies” like this: “a…lies”. And she says the “a” as if it were the article, not as if it were in the word “cat”. I heard her on Meet the Press. She said it over and over again. And it was strange.

Still, I just don’t know quite how I feel about her.


Blogger Stacey Pelika said...

I have no comment on Condi except that I agree she's weird.

However, I do have a new reality show run-in to report. While in Houston, I was eating lunch with my friend and her mom and realized that we were right across the street from Lot 8, the boutique owned by Chloe Dao, winner of Project Runway. So we went in. And someone who looked suspiciously like Chloe was helping someone. I didn't go up and say "Hey, you're Chloe!" though.

9:11 PM  

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