In light of my recent complaints of fruity smells and quiet neighbors, b-lish asked me to recount the experiences of my first apartment in Madison. Such memories do indeed help put my current problems into perspective.
The Gorham apartment was, after all, a complete pit.
We’ll start with Mother Nature’s Revenge. The series of infestations began with the spiders. What happened is that all of the upstairs residents would sweep these enormous black spiders off their mini-balconies until all of the spiders eventually collected into my basement hole of an apartment. I rather vividly recall killing 25 of them in one afternoon.
After the spiders, came the ladybugs. I know, I know – “Ladybugs are so cute!” Not when they come by the thousands, though. The killing of these ladybugs truly could not be counted as I VACUUMED them off the walls TWICE a day during the infestation period, and I am still able to tell when a ladybug is near by smell alone. Yes, I can now identify the scent of the ladybug. And it sends shivers of terror down my spine every time.
There were also less interesting infestations of ants and roaches, but the least pleasant of the bunch were certainly the mice. During that period, mice would frequently scurry about my apartment, and I would have to decide daily between dealing with them and finishing my final papers. Sadly, the papers often won that calculation.
The worst moment of the mice infestation, however, was when I came home to the sounds of tiny squeaks and discovered a sticky trap full of baby mice with not-quite-open eyes. That alone was, of course, intensely troubling. But I added on the ridiculous strategery of letting them squeak all day in hopes of eventually luring Mama Mouse out of her hole.
Mice, though, know no maternal instinct, and after six hours I just couldn’t take the squeaking anymore and ended up double-bagging the baby mice and throwing them into a garbage can two blocks away. No PETA award for me this or any year, I’m afraid.
Let’s see, what else to tell? There was the time my crappy front door blew open during a blizzard – the result of which was a snowdrift in my kitchen and an ice block in my sink. Oh, and there was the frequent masturbator.
Yes, my upstairs neighbor was VERY into frequent and scary self-pleasure. The heavy metal music would go on and soon the angry, rhythmic screaming would begin. It would go on for at least an hour. Every day. And I could hear it all clearly in my kitchen. And I guarantee you that a second person never entered that apartment.
Bleh. OK – no more complaining about my current apartment. Not even about the fact that the elevator is a little dirty. Or that the water could be just a little bit warmer sometimes. No. Now I have perspective. I will never complain again. I promise.